Monthly Archives: August 2012

Fun With Guns

So it’s taken me at least 2 hours to sand down the water pistol from today’s Boot Sale find and I’m now in the process of coming up with a design. I’m also possibly going to incorporate red EL wire into the build that’ll light up when the trigger is pulled. Hopefully the lovely guys at Fab Lab Manchester will be able to give me some circuitry assistance with rewiring!


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Boot Sale Finds – Part One

I have been up at an ungodly hour this morning in order to trawl through other people’s  rubbish in the pouring down rain. I went with the intention of finding some unwanted Nerf guns to mod and ended up coming back with a 20p water pistol. I’m sure I can hack away and create something worthy of purchasing from Alliance Requisitions!


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And so it begins aka ‘Day One – Emma Makes a Mess’

Under the assumption that all my templates (already printed out) were the right size my cat helper and I


started getting to work when distaster struck…the templates were the wrong size. With no laptop in hand I decided to make do and mend with what I had and went with the easiest option, resizing biceps and gauntlets by hand. Here’s what I ended up with by the end of today.


However disappointed I am with the progess of today (small templates and broken heat guns) I have learned this is going to be a massive challenge but I do feel like I’ll achieved something by the end of it. I also learned that foam eats X-Acto blades…remember to change them regularly kids!

Getting Started!

So this weekend I have a craft heavy session planned which will most likely span over the course of two whole days.  I have abused the printer in work so I’m good to go with templates (although my eyes will not forgive me for the resizing debacle on Photoshop). I have also successfully acquired a sizeable amount of cardboard so rather than printing out two of everything I’m going to attempt something I can flip-reverse.  I’m not sure how well that’ll fare with the cat who’ll also be wanting to ‘help’ out with the process though haha!

What I will say in terms of resizing the templates and printing them out though is make sure the printer isn’t set to ‘scale to fit’ prior to hitting PRINT!  Luckily I managed to spot this error before felling a small forest.

Expect plenty of photos and words to follow once the cutting (and probably uttering of profanities) begins.

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